Pest Bird Control Species and Nuisance Birds
Pigeons and Pigeon Control
Columba livia or is the genus and species taxonomic name for the pigeons we see in the United States. They are domesticated descendants of Rock Dove and easily adapt to most US environments. Pigeons are intelligent and will learn to get around most amateurs' efforts to control them. A bird specialist like FlyAway will insure that you can permanently bird proof your structure once and for all.
Columba livia or Pigeons will nest and roost on any structure that provides them appropriate shelter for the season. In the colder months, pigeons will seek shelter from the elements. In the summer, pigeons will nest on uncovered ledges out in the elements. You may notice that pigeons invade uncovered ledges and retail signs in the early spring and will nest and roost there until colder weather in the fall. The warmer seasons allow pigeons to reproduce rapidly, quickly becoming a filthy nuisance.
Pigeons are opportunists and adapt to just about any environment that offers food and water. That is why pigeons perpetually populate food areas and grocery store properties.
Pigeons in the city usually do not go to far from food and water and will become completely oblivious to humans. When populations become high, pigeons will gravitate to overpasses and bridges, which provide shelter and typically easy access to food and water in non-rural areas. Thus, if your property is within miles of a bridge or overpass then you will definitely need a permanent solution because if they found you once, the birds will be back.
The best way to relocate pigeons is by using a form of behavior modification, which teaches the bird an area is a no fly zone not just exclude them from portions of it. The best solution is electric barrier because it both changes the flocks behavior while creating psychological and physical barriers.
The electric barrier is very low current and is harmless to the birds, it will just move them on to a friendlier environment. A good electric barrier design treats why the birds are there, not where you see them. Thus, bird specialists are the only installers capable of efficient bird control. Only bird specialists will know where to install the system correctly and how to install it to last for decades. Only companies that focus on electric barriers have the necessary experience and knowledge.
Over the long run, electric bird barriers are the best way to control pigeons, make sure your electric bird barrier is engineered to last. If designed correctly and turned on, then it will always pigeon proof the area. There is no other bird control as effective or efficient.
Pigeon's bird droppings are really unsightly and disgusting. Pigeons will excrement in their nests and are very dirty birds, despite seeming very friendly. Pigeons may carry many diseases.
Unless you like bird droppings, it is best to choose a bird proofing specialist like Avian FlyAway and send your pigeons packing permanently. No birds; no bird problems, and no bird droppings.
Swallows- Cliff Swallows & Barn Swallows
Cliff Swallows or Petrochelidon pyrrhonota are frequent nest builders on the sides of buildings where the underside of the soffit or roof overhang meets the facade. Controlling these may be done with exclusion or spring tension electric barrier. Upside down slant board is not a good solution compared with netting and spring tension electric barrier.
Barn Swallows or Hirundo rustica are very similar to Cliff Swallows and excluding the whole underside with netting or strategically placed spring tension electric barrier work best. Sometimes fogging may help the situation in enclosed warehouses.
Purple Martins
Purple Martins or Progne subis are not like swallows in their roosting and nesting habits. This migratory species roosts in trees and becomes a nuisance for a few months at a time in trees located in large commercial parking lots and other warm commercial downtown areas. Unless you are an expert it is best to leave Purple Martins alone because this species will move along within a few months. Managing them into a few trees or an area that is not a problem is the best strategy. Purple Martins are a very beneficial bird.
Grackle Control and Grackles
Grackles roost in large numbers and make huge messes under trees most months of the year. Grackle colonies are found in much of the US. In the spring and early summer, the larger males and smaller females may become territorial around their nests and the grackles will roost in fewer numbers.
Many Grackles are not migratory at all, thus you will see them year round in certain favorite areas year after year. Some only migrate a few miles to the city in the winter.
In the late summer through early spring, Grackles will roost in large roosts near warmer areas with trees. Grackles fly over and feel out the warmer areas to roost all night long. The nuisance birds will leave a huge mess and carry many diseases and funguses.
There are 3 species of Grackles in the United States.
Grackle species included in the Genus Quiscalus are:
-Great-tailed Grackle or Quiscalus mexicanus
-Common Grackle or Quiscalus quiscula
-Boat-tailed Grackle or Quiscalus major
There is no stationary or static way to reliably control grackles, unless you want to install nets as an exclusion device and ruin the aesthetics of your trees. The nets will work only a couple of years at the longest because of wind storms and tree growth. Both, birds and bats will get in the nets, but not out of the nets, so you will have captured and dead birds and bats in the nets. Sound devices will not work more than a few weeks overnight and not at all during the day. Although many false promises come with many bird control devices; if it is not alive and present most days of the week, then Grackles will learn to ignore it. Likewise, despite false promises most bird control products will not control grackle problems.
Avian FlyAway has 25 years of experience solving tough migratory bird problems. Our proprietary methods and knowledge are the best in the industry, we are the leading grackle and migratory bird control service in the country. When it comes to recurring Grackle problems you will probably need an expert, AFI has successfully managed grackles for 20 years, and we do it every day.
Starling Control and Starlings and European Starlings
Starlings or Sturnus Vulgaris is a species brought over from Europe to the US. Starlings roost in large flocks in Summer to early Spring. Starlings will nest anywhere and are so adaptable they will mock other birds and are rumoured to be able to mock human speech. Ridding ceiling and other crevices of Starling nesting and roosting in winter months is best done with 3/4" netting with an extremely tight perimeter. Only expert netters like Avian Flyaway can successfully block away Starlings when these birds want to enter an area.
Starlings prefer to roost in trees next to structures. Starlings will roost together with Grackles and present many of the same challenges. If you have recurring Starling problems in your trees, then Avian FlyAway can easily solve the problem. Almost all bird control products and bird control devices will not work to control roosting Starlings. In most situations, air insulated electric barrier will work to control Starlings nesting and roosting on structures.
Cowbird Control and Cowbirds
The Brown-headed Cowbird or Molothrus Ater is a frequent winter pest in Texas.
Avian FlyAway is one of the only companies with the know how to control Cowbirds. This is a tough species and we have perfected Cowbird control.
White Winged Dove and Mourning Dove
The White-winged Dove or Zenaida Asiatica is like the Great Tailed Grackle becoming a dominant species. The Mourning Dove or Zenaida Macroura ranges farther north than the White-Winged Dove. In Texas, these species will add some extra challenges to your bird relocation project. Avian FlyAway is one of the only companies with the know how for Dove Control.
Blackbird Control and Blackbirds
Blackbirds include many species and Blackbird control is similar to Grackle control and Starling control.